Conceptual Framework of Factors of Supply Chain Uncertainties and their Impact on Green Logistics

S. Ramani*, S. Premkumar**
* Senior Consultant & Head (Education), CII, Institute of Logistics & Research Scholar, Manonmaniam Sundranar University, Tamil Nadu.
** Professor, Department of Sports Management, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2012


Sustainable marketing strategies get pruned in the shadow of uncertainties in the supply chain. We need to identify the causes for such uncertainties and minimize their impact on sustainability. With the objectives of identifying major factors of uncertainties in supply chain and assessing their impact on green logistics, this analytical library research is based on published data. Making logistics ‘sustainable’ in the longer term will involve more than cutting carbon emissions. Sustainability is a combination of Technology & Ecology. Green logistics pivots on a set of key parameters for logistical decision making at different levels. Supply chain uncertainties are found to be can be mitigated through Ascertaining Actual Demand, Synergizing Information, Cascading Forecasting, Leveraging Leverages, Bulldozer Wheeling, Consumer Involved Design and Mass Customization. Collective Green Consciousness Quotient indicates how an organization is consciously practicing green practices. Consumers as responsible world citizens must be Green House Gas conscious and thereby necessitate business too falling in line because sustainability is truly a collective bargain.


Supply Chain, Uncertainty, Logistics, Green Logistics, Sustainability, Optimization, Pollution.

How to Cite this Article?

S. Ramani and S. Premkumar (2012). Conceptual Framework of Factors of Supply Chain Uncertainties And Their Impact on Green Logistics. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(2), 12-22.


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