Does Timing Matter? Social Safety-Net Supports for Disaster Risk Reduction in Coastal Bangladesh

Tanvir Mosharof Khan*, Rabiul Islam**
* Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
** Department of Social Work, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:May - August'2023


Like other parts of the world, the number and negative effects of natural disasters are increasing in Bangladesh because of its geo-climate change. To deal with these adversities and reduce disaster risks, the country has successfully used social safety-net supports. Numerous studies have observed the various aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Social Safety-Net Supports (SSNS). However, many of them neglected the delivery schedule. Taking this gap into account, the purpose of this study is to inquire about the providing time, effectiveness and identify the possible ways these supports contribute to DRR in coastal Bangladesh. Using a qualitative approach, the present study was conducted in Pratapnagar and Kamarpara villages within the Pratapnagar Union, Assashuni Upazila of the Sathkhira district. Findings showed that the supports have been distributed at different times in the year, such as during religious festivals, immediately after disasters, and even in normal time, rather than following a specific time. The supports somehow assisted in reducing both poverty and malnutrition. The present study also illustrated that they partially help in the stockpiling of food, the building of robust houses, the repair of houses, poultry and livestock sheds, the maintenance of roads and culverts, and livelihood recovery. This study argues that the supports do not work sufficiently in DRR as they are not timely distributed to the disaster victims. Due to the limited coverage, inadequate quantity, and irregularities in distribution, the supports are not appropriately contributing to DRR. The study suggests that, along with the acceptable quantity and proper beneficiaries' selection, distribution timing should also be considered.


Disaster Risk Reduction, Social Safety-Net Supports, Time of Distribution, Coastal Bangladesh.

How to Cite this Article?

Khan, T. M., and Islam, R. (2023). Does Timing Matter? Social Safety-Net Supports for Disaster Risk Reduction in Coastal Bangladesh. i-manager’s Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 3(2), 17-29.


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