The Effects of Context-Based Learning on Students' Attitudes towards Course and Motivation: A Review Based on Meta-Analysis

Özgür Tutal*
Child Development, Hakkari University, Hakkari, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2023


Context-based learning is an instructional approach that prioritizes the use of real-world contexts and authentic situations to create meaningful learning experiences for students. Numerous individual studies conducted in Turkey have explored the impact of context-based learning on students' attitudes towards the course and motivation, which are essential aspects of learning outcomes. However, these individual studies reported varying effect sizes concerning the effectiveness of context-based learning. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the overall impact, this review aimed to conduct a meta-analysis, analyzing the results of experimental and quasi-experimental studies on the effect of context-based learning on students' attitudes towards the course and motivation. From the 176 studies initially identified through a literature search, 17 studies meeting the inclusion criteria were coded and analyzed for attitudes towards the course and ten studies for motivation variables. The results of the meta-analysis indicated a moderate overall effect size for the effectiveness of context-based learning on students' attitudes towards the course (g = 0.549) and a modest overall effect size for motivation (g = 0.450). These effect sizes are noteworthy in educational research, suggesting that context-based learning is more effective in enhancing students' attitudes towards the course and motivation compared to traditional education processes. The findings of this meta-analysis underscore the significance of incorporating context-based learning strategies into educational practices. By integrating real-world contexts into the learning process, educators can foster more meaningful and engaging learning experiences, leading to improved attitudes and motivation among students.


Context-Based Learning, Motivation, Meta-Analysis, Students' Attitudes.

How to Cite this Article?

Tutal, Ö. (2023). The Effects of Context-Based Learning on Students' Attitudes towards Course and Motivation: A Review Based on Meta-Analysis. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 20(2), 8-24.


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