Role of TOEFL ITP in English Learning at a Mexican University: Perspectives of Humanities and Sciences Students

Edgar Emmanuell Garcia-Ponce*, Irasema Mora-Pablo**
*-** University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Periodicity:July - September'2023


In order to promote the internationalisation of education and professional mobility, higher education worldwide has seen the need to increase opportunities for students to develop English competence. To ensure that students meet desired linguistic objectives upon graduation, universities commonly use standardised tests. In the context of this study, TOEFL ITP is used for entry and exit purposes in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. However, it is still unclear how students view this requirement and the academic support for obtaining the expected scores. Therefore, this study explores the perspectives of 42 undergraduate students concerning the role of TOEFL ITP in higher education. With the use of a questionnaire administered online, the students were able to suggest the academic benefits of learning English and reach the scores expected by their undergraduate programs. Their responses also suggest some challenges that they face trying to receive preparation for the test and academic resources provided by the institution. Even though the institution aims to raise students' awareness of internationalisation and interculturality, their responses also point to a limited perspective of the English language, which is opposed to the strategies proposed by the institution. Based on these results, the argument is that higher education should not only improve students' English competence but also their readiness for internationalisation, academic mobility, and interculturality, which are needed in globalisation.


English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Internationalisation, Mexican Higher Education, TOEFL ITP, University Level, Humanities, Sciences, English Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Garcia-Ponce, E. E., and Mora-Pablo, I. (2023). Role of TOEFL ITP in English Learning at a Mexican University: Perspectives of Humanities and Sciences Students. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 13(3), 21-31.


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