Embedding Soft Skills within Classroom Practice among English Graduates

Robiul Islam*, Happy Kumar Das**
*-** University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:April - June'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.20.1.19858


This study explored the views of teachers' and English graduates' on the reflection of soft skills for employability in English literature. Also, the study discovers how soft skills can be embedded within classroom practice among English graduates. A qualitative study methodology and interpretive paradigm were used to make sense of the complicated social phenomenon of soft skills for graduate employability. The heads, teachers, and fourth-year English majors from nine tertiary colleges in the Bangladeshi districts of Pabna, Rajshahi, and Bogura have been purposefully chosen to participate. There were nine student FGDs and 18 teacher in-depth interviews from the English department. The study discloses that while soft skills are prevalent in English literature, they are not in a form that can be passed on. However, motivations and ideas connected to soft skills are widely present in English literature. The results point to several critical topics that should be further examined, including teaching strategies, classroom management, question settings, teacher preparation, assessment systems, soft skills instruction, mentorship, and counseling.


Soft Skills, Employability, English Literature, Curriculum, English Graduates, Qualitative Study.

How to Cite this Article?

Islam, R., and Das, H. K. (2023). Embedding Soft Skills within Classroom Practice among English Graduates. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 20(1), 20-35. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.20.1.19858


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