An experimental Investigation and optimization of turning fabricated Al/SiC/B4C Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites using Desirability Analysis

*, N. Muthukrishnan**
* Associate Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sathyabama University, Jeppiar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chennai.
** Professor and Head, Department of Automobile Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Pennalur, Sriperumbudur.
Periodicity:August - October'2012


This paper presents the detailed discussions on fabrication of Aluminium - silicon carbide (10% by weight of particles) and boron carbide (5% by weight of particles) Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (Al/SiC/B4C — MMC) using stir casting method. SiC and a B4C particle range from 30µm to 50 µm. The cylindrical rods of diameter 60 mm and length 250 mm are fabricated and subsequently machined using medium duty lathe of 2 kW spindle power to study the   machinability issues of Hybrid MMC using Poly Crystalline Diamond (PCD) insert of 1600 grade. The optimum machining parameters have been identified by a composite desirability value obtained from desirability function analysis as the performance index, and significant contribution of parameters can then be determined by analysis of variance. Confirmation test is also conducted to validate the test result. Experimental results have shown that machining performance can be improved effectively through this approach.  Results show at higher cutting speeds, good surface finish is obtained with faster tool wear. It is concluded that, tool wear and cutting force are directly proportional to the cutting speed, where as surface roughness is inversely proportional to the cutting speed. Percentage of error obtained between experimental value and predicted value is within the limit.


Cutting Force, Surface Roughness, PCD, Power Consumed, Desirability Function,Taguchi Method.

How to Cite this Article?

T.S. Maheshbabu and N. Muthu Krishnan (2012). An Experimental Investigation And Optimization Of Turning Fabricated AL/SIC/B4C Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Using Desirability Analysis. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 2(4), 10-17.


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