Silicon Based MEMS Pressure Sensor for Enhancing the Sensitivity and Linearity

Maflin Shaby*, A. Vimala Juliet**
* Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sathyabama University.
** SRM University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
Periodicity:August - October'2012


This paper presents a structural analysis of MEMS Pressure sensor. The diaphragm of the Pressure was made of silicon. Different diaphragm shape, pressure range, the positioning of resistors in the diaphragm and the length and width of the resistors were considered during the analysis. A simulation programs were developed to predict the sensitivity and linearity behavior of the piezoresistive pressure sensor. The output response of the pressure sensor was also found as a function of temperature and pressure. The analysis showed that sensitivity and linearity are influenced by diaphragm thickness and length of the sensing resistor.


Mems, Pressure Sensor, Diaphragm,Silicon Sensitivity, Linearity.

How to Cite this Article?

Shaby, S. M., and Juliet, A. V. (2012). Silicon Based Mems Pressure Sensor For Enhancing The Sensitivity And Linearity. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 1(4), 19-23.


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