Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with E-Slot

Pragati Tiwari*, Akshaya Mishra**, Madhavi Tripathi***, Shreya Dubey****
*-**** Department of Electronics Engineering, Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


The integration of an E-slot within the conventional microstrip patch antenna structure offers improved radiation characteristics and bandwidth. This research presents the design and analysis of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna with an E-slot. The proposed antenna is designed to operate at a specific frequency in the microwave range. The design process involves determining the dimensions of the rectangular patch, feedline, and E-slot to achieve the desired resonance frequency. The simulation and optimization are carried out using electromagnetic simulation software, considering the dielectric substrate properties and other relevant parameters. The E-slot is strategically placed within the patch structure to enhance the antenna's performance. It acts as an additional resonating element, contributing to increased bandwidth and improved radiation characteristics, such as gain and directivity. The integration of the E-slot modifies the current distribution on the patch, resulting in enhanced radiation properties. The performance of the proposed antenna is evaluated through various parameters, including return loss, radiation pattern, and bandwidth. Overall, the rectangular microstrip patch antenna with an E-slot presents a promising solution for achieving enhanced performance in terms of bandwidth and radiation characteristics. The proposed design opens up possibilities for further advancements in microstrip antenna technology, facilitating the development of an efficient and compact antenna structure for modern wireless applications.


Microstrip Patch Antenna, HFSS, E- Slot, S-Band.

How to Cite this Article?

Tiwari, P., Mishra, A., Tripathi, M., and Dubey, S. (2023). Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with E-Slot. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 11(1), 22-26.


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