Performance Analysis of Photonics-Based RF Transceiver for High-Speed Data Transmission

Mayank Kaushik*, J. S. Sidana**, Shivendra Kumar***, P. M. Menghal****
*-*** Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


Current digital radar systems have limitations at higher frequencies, and a new approach is needed to be able to operate in different environments and at higher frequencies. Photonics offers a solution to these limitations. It has UltraWide Bandwidth (UWB) and high precision, which allows for the flexible generation of highly consistent Radio Frequencies (RF) signals and the accurate direct digitization of signals without down-conversion. This research proposes a novel Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM)-based photonics link for a radar demonstrator. The proposed system uses a single pulsed laser as a source to design a transceiver for high-speed data transmission and reception. The system can generate tunable radar signals and their echoes, avoiding the up/down conversion of radio frequency and ensuring both high resolution and simulation-based operation. The proposed system has the potential to revolutionize radar technology by enabling high resolution that can operate at higher frequencies. The system is also scalable and can be easily adapted to different radar applications.


Radar, Photonics, OptiSystem, Laser, Resolution, Bandwidth, Carrier Frequencies, WDM.

How to Cite this Article?

Kaushik, M., Sidana, J. S., Kumar, S., and Menghal, P. M. (2023). Performance Analysis of Photonics-Based RF Transceiver for High-Speed Data Transmission. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 10(1), 34-41.


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