Teachers' Views on Distance In-Service Training: A Qualitative Analysis

Ramazan Ertürk*
Ministry of Education, Bolu, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.19.1.19770


This study employs a qualitative approach to examine the educators' perspectives on distance-based in-service training. The participants in the study were 49 teachers working in primary, secondary, and high schools in the central district of Bolu, Turkey, during the 2022-2023 academic year. The research data were collected through a semi-structured interview form and analyzed using content analysis. The findings revealed that training creates significant opportunities and offers benefits. However, distance in-service training also has limitations, and several problems emerge in these programs. Addressing the problems experienced in the training will also help reduce the associated limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct training that aligns with teachers' interests, wishes, and needs by performing a needs analysis when determining topics for distance in-service training. Diversifying training programs based on branches and fields will enhance the quality of professional development and provide teachers with access to training for their specific fields at any time. The study also presents detailed suggestions to improve the quality of in-service training.


In-service Training, Distance Education, Distance In-service Training, Teacher.

How to Cite this Article?

Ertürk, R. (2023). Teachers' Views on Distance In-Service Training: A Qualitative Analysis. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 19(1), 15-34. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.19.1.19770


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