Computerized Cepholometric Surgical Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery with Facad 2d Software

Viljaykonth M.*, Jayanthi M. D. **, Selvarani R.***, Usha Rao G. ****
Periodicity:July - September'2021


Malocclusion can be due to dental and alveolar, as well as facial skeletal components, especially the maxilla and mandible. The majority of skeletal cases are attempted to be corrected non-surgically with Functional Jaw Orthopaedics. However, these ideal treatment plans require the patient to be seen by an orthodontist before the pubertal growth spurt is over. In cases where this growth timing is missed, there are options for treating the case with orthodontic camouflage or Orthognathic Surgery (OGS). Severe skeletal malocclusions are best corrected with OGS, with emphasis on soft tissue aesthetics, occlusion, and stability of the corrected result. The OGS procedure involves many phases of treatment planning. It is beneficial for both the surgeon and the patient if the results could be predicted to the maximum extent possible. Traditional manual cephalometric prediction is usually cumbersome and has the downside of not allowing photographic prediction. Hence, at present, computerized cephalometric prediction is preferred over manual prediction. This paper deals with the usage of FACAD 2D-Cephalometric software, which predicts the surgical outcome. The biggest advantage is the visualization of the patient's profile photo with the planned OGS procedure. This helps the surgeon to try different surgical treatment approaches and select the best possible outcome. Patients benefit by visualizing their possible facial changes with the selected OGS surgery. This also helps the surgeon to communicate more efficiently with the patient, and in turn, the patient can make a better-informed decision regarding the proposed surgery.


FACAD Cephalometric Software, Surgical Prediction, Orthognathic Surgery.

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