Management of Miller's Class III Recession Immediately Following Conventional Graft Failure - A Case Report

Babu Salam C.*, Jacob Raja **, Johnson Raja James ***, W. Kavitha****, Midhun Kishor S.*****
Periodicity:January - March'2021


Gingival recession is defined as "displacement of the soft tissue margin apical to the cemento-enamel junction". Gingival recessions require treatment for many reasons, including impaired aesthetic appearance, root sensitivity, and cervical caries or abrasion. The presence of gingival recession and gingival inflammation in areas with a lack or narrow band of attached gingiva is identified as a mucogingival problem. Periodontal plastic surgery procedures are performed to resolve these mucogingival problems. This study presents a case report of a 25-year-old female with Miller's class III gingival recession, which was successfully regrafted with a free gingival autograft following a failure in the previous attempt.


Miller's Class III Recession, Conventional Graft, Failure, Management, Free Gingival Autograft.

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