An Unusual Occurrence of Hyperdontia and Microdontia in Single Case

Anusha Rangare Lakshman*, Sham Kishor Kanneppady**, Preethi Balan***, Chaithra Kalkur****
Periodicity:January - March'2020


Abnormalities in the size and number of teeth are occasionally recorded in clinical cases. Hyperdontia is the development of an increased number of teeth, and the additional teeth are termed as supernumerary. Microdontia is a condition where the teeth are smaller than the normal size, which may involve all the teeth or be limited to a single tooth or a group of teeth. We are reporting a unique and unusual case of the occurrence of a supernumerary tooth with microdontia in the maxilla.


Hyperdontia, Microdontia, Clinical Cases.

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