Non Surgical Endodntic Approach for Management of large Periapical Lesions - Case Reports

Velmurugan A.*, Bhavani S.**, Sarun Thomas***
Periodicity:April - June'2018


Periapical diseases are induced as a result of involvement of oral bacteria. Therefore, mere surgical removal of the periapical lesions without proper root canal disinfection and obturation will not result in the healing of periapical tissues. This case series presents non-surgical endodontic management of large periapical pathosis with calcium hydroxide intra-canal medicament. Significant bone formation was seen at the periapical region during periodic checkup visits. Thus, conventional endodontic therapy in combination with calcium hydroxide as an intra-canal medicament contributed to the effective healing of periapical lesions.


Periapical diseases, Oral bacteria, Surgical removal, Root canal disinfection, Root canal obturation, Healing of periapical tissues, Non-surgical endodontic management, Calcium hydroxide intra canal medicament, Bone formation, Conventional endodontic therapy, Periapical pathosis, Effective healing.

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