HVDS approach for reducing the Technical and Non-technical losses to enhance the Electrical Distribution System performance

P. Ravi Babu*, Sushma B**, Ashwin Kumar B***
* Professor in EEE department, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
**-*** PG Student, Affiliated to JNTUH, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.6.1.1953


This paper presents a new methodology for enhancing the distribution system performance by minimizing both technical and non technical losses. Most of the utility companies in developing countries are victims of major revenue losses due to technical and non technical energy losses. The non technical losses are like electricity theft, unauthorized connections, irregular billing and the technical losses are I­­­2R power losses. These losses affect the quality of supply in terms of voltage magnitude, and more tariffs imposed on genuine customers. To improve the efficiency of supply, one of the recommendations is “Boosting the distributor phase voltage, say from 100% to 152% that is, 230V to 350V and stepping down to normal operating voltage (230V) at the consumer premises by using a special voltage regulator device”. The methodology can reduce the technical and non technical losses in the electrical distribution system up to 36.12% of total power supplied to electrical distribution system. Hence the voltage profile can be improved by reducing the I­­­2R losses. As the normal operating voltage of any home appliances is 230V, in the proposed methodology the electrical distributor phase voltage is maintained up to 350V.So if any domestic consumer tries to get unauthorized/illegal power tapping connection, the home appliances are get damaged due to over voltage. Hence, with this approach there is no chance for power theft or unauthorized connections in the distribution system. When the electrical distributor operates with more voltage than the normal operating voltage, the I2R losses in the distributor will be reduced considerably.


High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS), Power Theft, Technical losses, Non Technical losses, High Voltage Distribution Line (HVDL), Indian Rupee (INR)

How to Cite this Article?

P. Ravi Babu, Sushma B. and Ashwin Kumar B (2012). HVDS Approach for Reducing the Technical and Nontechnical Losses to Enhance the Electrical Distribution System Performance. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(1), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.6.1.1953


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