The Relationship between Teachers' Participation in Decision-Making, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Justice Perceptions

Ramazan Ertürk*, Muhammed Çelik**
* Ministry of National Education, Turkey.
** Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


The purpose of the research designed in the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, is to analyze the relationship between teachers' participation in decision-making, job satisfaction, and organizational justice perceptions. The target population of the research consists of 3400 teachers working in secondary schools in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul, but 341 teachers were chosen by simple random sampling to represent the target population as it would be too difficult to get all of the teachers there. Participation in decision-making, job satisfaction, and organizational justice scales are used to collect data for the research. Parametric tests are preferred since the data display a normal distribution. According to the research results, teachers' participation in decision-making is high in total score, group decision, student affairs, academic decision dimensions, and medium in school administration dimension. It is an important and remarkable result for policy makers and practitioners that teachers' level of participation in decision-making and job satisfaction in the dimension of school management are at a moderate level. There is a low level of positive and significant relationship between the overall and all dimensions of the decision participation scale and job satisfaction; There is a moderately significant positive relationship between organizational justice. Teachers' participation in decision making is a significant predictor of both their job satisfaction and their perception of justice. Since teachers' participation in decision-making predicts both their job satisfaction and perceptions of justice, school administrations should care about participation in decision-making and contribute to their job satisfaction and perception of justice by ensuring teachers' participation in decision-making in practice.


Participation in Decision-Making, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Justice, Teacher.

How to Cite this Article?

Ertürk, R., and Çelik, M. (2023). The Relationship between Teachers' Participation in Decision-Making, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Justice Perceptions. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(2), 25-45.


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