Design and Evaluation of Solar Power Based Wireless Power Transfer System with Road-Embedded Transmitter Coil for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle

Shraddha Kaushik*, Pooja Nuruti**, Shreya Sarangi***, Manu Pandey****, Somesh Kumar Sahu*****, Sarabjeet Singh******
*-****** Department of Electrical Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2023


The transportation sector is moving away from conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles towards electric mobility. Petrol and diesel-powered vehicles contribute significantly to the carbon footprint. Consequently, the use of electric vehicles helps to reduce reliance on internal combustion engines and promotes zero emissions. Electric vehicles are expected to become the mainstream mode of transportation with the development of robust charging infrastructure. This research proposed an innovative solution for wirelessly charging electric vehicles using dynamic wireless power transfer, which incorporates solar panels for feasible charging. The system relies on resonant inductive power transfer between the coils installed beneath the road surface and a receiver coil placed on the vehicle. The proposed system was simulated in MATLAB, and an experimental validation was conducted using a hardware setup. The overall system showcases power transmission to charge the vehicle's battery while in motion, eliminating the need to wait for a full battery charge.


Electric Vehicle, Charging Infrastructure, Wireless Charging, Dynamic Charging, Solar Panel, ICE Vehicles, Resonant Inductive Coupling, MATLAB.

How to Cite this Article?

Kaushik, S., Nuruti, P., Sarangi, S., Pandey, M., Sahu, S. K., and Singh, S. (2023). Design and Evaluation of Solar Power Based Wireless Power Transfer System with Road-Embedded Transmitter Coil for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering & Technology, 18(4), 26-36.


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