Music Recommender System using Facial Feature Recognition

Harsh Mishra*, Deep Kothari**, Prajwal Jaiswal***, Sheetal Rathi****
*-**** Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


Facial expressions convey a lot of information about the emotional state of a person and even a small change in it can help to detect changes in an individual's mood. Researchers have conducted numerous studies in the fields of machine learning and computer vision, training ML models to detect various human emotions or moods based on captured facial features. In this research, a system was proposed which is capable of identifying the user's emotions and moods and suggesting a list of appropriate songs to improve their mood. Incorporating mood detection offers significant benefits to customers' mental health and personal satisfaction. The objective of this system is to capture the user's image, detect their mood and create a music player system that recommends music based on the user's real-time mood, utilizing a web camera and deep learning algorithms


Face Recognition, Emotion Detection, Music, Mood Detection, Recommendation System.

How to Cite this Article?

Mishra, H., Kothari, D., Jaiswal, P., and Rathi, S. (2023). Music Recommender System using Facial Feature Recognition. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 10(1), 42-51.


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