Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Category Based Comparative Study

Ranjit Kumar Behera*, Rubi Bagarti**, Manisha Sahu***, Manas Kumar Seth****, Akash Padhan*****
*,**** GM University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
**-*** Panchayat College Bargarh, Odisha, India.
***** CDOE Sambalpur University, Odisha, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


The aim of this study was to investigate the academic dishonesty among university students. For this the researcher has formulated two types of objectives i.e., 1. To study the predictive power of gender and streams of education in relation to academic dishonesty of university students, 2. To study the direct effect of gender, streams of education, and interaction effect of both on academic dishonesty of university students. In this regard, descriptive survey method was used, and 120 university students were selected by using stratified purposive sampling. For data collection, academic dishonesty scale was adopted which was developed by Bashir and Bala in 2018. Finally, the results of this study shown that gender and stream of education are significant predictors of academic dishonesty and there is significant direct effect of gender, streams of education and interaction of both on academic dishonesty of university students.


Academic Dishonesty, Gender, University Students.

How to Cite this Article?

Behera, R. K., Bagarti, R., Sahu, M., Seth, M. K. and Padhan, A. (2023). Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Category Based Comparative Study. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(2), 53-61.


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