Tracking Missing Persons using Facial Recognition

Bhavika Gupta*, Palak Agarwal**, Disha Devalia***
*-*** Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


Finding missing people is a time-critical and labor-intensive task and the longer it takes to locate the person, the lower the likelihood of a successful outcome. To address this challenge, an integrated and centralized database of missing persons using Aadhar card details was developed. The approach incorporates facial recognition technology, specifically the deep face algorithm, which has shown high accuracy in identifying individuals. While facial recognition has been in use for several years, recent advancements have made it easier to identify individuals accurately. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered facial recognition technology, officials can enhance and streamline the process of finding, tracking, and retrieving missing persons. The system matches facial features with the data stored in Aadhar cards, providing a reliable means of identification. This research presents a system that centralizes data, improving the efficiency of locating missing individuals. By utilizing facial recognition and centralizing data, the system offers an efficient approach to find missing people. The integration of technology and data allows quick and more accurate identification, increasing the chances of locating missing persons promptly.


Face Recognition, Face Detection, Deep Face, Tracking and Retrieving.

How to Cite this Article?

Gupta, B., Agarwal, P., and Devalia, D. (2023). Tracking Missing Persons using Facial Recognition. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 10(1), 25-33.


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