Training Teachers to Use and Produce Open Educational Resources: A Win-Win Approach

Pradeep Kumar Misra*
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education & Allied Sciences , M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2012


High-quality teaching occurs when teachers come to the classroom with a certain toolkit of knowledge and skills because they are required to perform different roles in changing times, e.g., they have to be continuous learners, promoters of new learning outcomes, users of ICT in formal learning situations, and developers of new learning tools/materials. Present generation of teachers can not afford to be isolated practitioners working within a single classroom as they are expected to play significant role for the cause of knowledge society and be beneficiary as well contributor in ever changing world of education. The situation demands that institutions must prepare teachers to excel in teaching profession, and Open Educational Resources (OER) can play a very significant role to support this cause.  OER can support teachers to develop a number of competencies and practices for benefit of teaching and learning. In other side, teachers have enough potential to support open source movement by producing useful and need based OER. To make this happen, efforts are needed to help teachers to understand and realize the importance of OER and to train them to use and produce OER.  In this backdrop, present paper mainly discusses about the need of making teachers competent to use and produce OER, possibilities of making OER training an integral part of the pre-service/ in-service teacher training programmes, and responsibilities of various stakeholders to fufill this promise. As follow-up of this discussion, paper presents an ‘OER Teacher Training Module’ for use of teacher training institutions/organizations.


Open Educational Resources, OER, OER for teaching, Teachers, OER and teachers, OER sustainability.

How to Cite this Article?

Pradeep Kumar Misra (2012). Training Teachers To Use And Produce Open Educational Resources: A Win-Win Approach. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 9(2), 1-7.


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