Measurement and Evaluation Challenges in Distance Education: Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis

N. Bilge Uzun*, Mehtap Aktaş**, Cenk Akay***
*-*** Mersin University, Turkey.
** Trakya University, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2023


The challenges experienced in measurement and evaluation during the distance education process among student and instructor groups are discussed in the study. A qualitative meta-synthesis method is used in this research. Twenty studies were included in the meta-synthesis. The challenges experienced by the instructors are program utilization, technological inadequacies, a lack of in-service seminars, online exam diversity, inconsistency between what is measured and what is intended to be measured, interference of other features with the measurement, unsuitability of the measurement tools, academic dishonesty, lack of control over online exam diversity, preparation and grading challenges, infrastructural issues, and a lack or latency of feedback. Challenges experienced by learners include alienation to the electronic environment, language, technological inadequacies, lack of materials, validity-reliability issues, application difficulty, lack of guidance in exams, infrastructural issues, network problems, lack of interest and motivation, anxiety about online exams, and avoidance and resistance to self-disclosure in virtual environments.


Measurement and Evaluation, Distance Education, Challenges, Meta-Synthesis, Systematic Review.

How to Cite this Article?

Uzun, N. B., Aktaş, M., and Akay, C. (2023). Measurement and Evaluation Challenges in Distance Education: Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 19(4), 1-23.


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