A Systematic Review Study on Online Distance Teacher Education

Mazhar Bal*, Savas Pamuk**
* Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Akdeniz University, Turkey.
** Department of Primary Education, Akdeniz University, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.18.3.19361


Academic research on the use of technology and distance learning to facilitate teacher education has generated various insights and knowledge, which are the contributions of research on online distance teacher education. This research has explored topics such as teaching strategies and learners, distance education and information technologies, prospective teachers and collaboration, science, mathematics, and teacher education. The main purpose of this study is to examine the contributions of research on online distance teacher education and to conduct a bibliometric mapping analysis. Ninety-eight articles published from 1998 to 2021 were included in the Web of Science (WOS) database, which was accessed from a total of 178 publications. These articles underwent text-based mapping and bibliometric data-based analysis for the study. The results indicate that universities on the African continent have conducted more research on this topic. Van Wyk, Barquero, and Blignaut emerged as the most impactful authors in the field, while Garrison, Anderson, Darling-Hammond, Moore, and Perraton garnered the highest number of citations. The findings of this study provide guidance for those who want to conduct research in this field.


Online Learning, Distance Education, Teacher Education, Bibliometric Analysis, VOS Viewer, Systematic Review.

How to Cite this Article?

Bal, M., and Pamuk, S. (2023). A Systematic Review Study on Online Distance Teacher Education. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 18(3), 50-61. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.18.3.19361


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