Navigation of Empty Parking Slots using Image Processing

Srujan Panthula*, Yaramala John Wesley**, Alle Saiteja Wesley***, Sudha Mishra****, Agnivesh Pandey*****
*-***** Department of Information Technology, School of Engineering & Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (Central University), Bilaspur, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


Navigation of empty parking slots has been proposed to solve the major problem of traffic congestion at parking places, such as malls and theatres. In other words, it can also reduce time consumption and costs. When there is no information about free parking slots, drivers face the issue of spending time to find a suitable parking spot. In multi-story buildings or malls, it is even more difficult to find an available parking. To solve this issue, the navigation of empty parking slots is used. In many parking areas, there is only an automated entrance to enter the vehicle into the parking area, but there is no software that can display live video to consumers to show whether there is an available space. Additionally, there is no website or application that can show live footage of the parking area, indicating whether it is empty or occupied. In this research live information is displayed before drivers enter the parking area. With the help of the display and website, drivers can save a significant amount of time finding an empty parking slot to park their vehicle. The system is based on camera sensors and software, where image processing is used to process the image.


Sensor, Parking, Slot, Open CV, Image Processing.

How to Cite this Article?

Panthula, S., Wesley, Y. J., Wesley, A. S., Mishra, S., and Pandey, A. (2023). Navigation of Empty Parking Slots using Image Processing. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 10(1), 16-24.


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