Relationship between Personality Traits and Creative Thinking among Secondary School Students

Ismail Thamarasseri*, Soja Jacob**
*-** School of Pedagogical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2023


Personality traits are enduring dispositions in behavior that show differences across individuals and tend to characterize the person across varying types of situations. Creative thinking is a thinking process that produces new methods, concepts, understandings, inventions, and works of art. It is the art of exploring student progress. Due to a lack of creative thinking, the progress of inventions in the fields of science and technology has declined. Therefore, there is an urgent need to encourage learners to acquire creative thinking, which, in turn, will provide a platform for individuals to cultivate other psychological dimensions. The present study is an attempt to identify the creative thinking capacity of secondary school students and its influence on their personality traits. The acquisition of these skills will definitely mold individuals to become vibrant in all sectors of education.


Creative Thinking, Personality Traits, Secondary School Students, Psychological Dimensions.

How to Cite this Article?

Thamarasseri, I., and Jacob, S. (2023). Relationship between Personality Traits and Creative Thinking among Secondary School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(1), 51-60.


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