Effectiveness of Layered Curriculum: A Mixed-Meta Research Synthesis

Yunus Doğan*
*-**** Gaziantep University, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.18.3.19322


The mixed-meta analysis study aims to examine the effects of the layered curriculum on students based on the studies conducted between 2006 and 2021. The statistical data gathered from a total of five studies is indexed in national databases investigating the effect of layered curriculum on achievement and attitudes, and the overall effect of the layered curriculum on achievement is found to be moderate, while its effect on attitudes is found to be very large. In the qualitative part of this mixed-meta analysis, the meta-thematic analysis method is conducted through document review and content analysis of a total of nine studies, and codes are classified under the themes of cognitive domain, attitudinal dimension, and limitations. These themes are visualized in the Maxqda program and presented in the findings section in two models. Some of the codes in the cognitive domain are increased academic achievement, permanence, repetition, peer assessment, self-evaluation, creativity, and imagination. In the dimension of attitude, codes are collaborative learning, aroused excitement, desire, and curiosity towards the lesson, increased interest, increased inclass solidarity, and student motivation towards the lesson. Limitations such as the lack of focus in the classroom because of noise, the difficulty of students with no manual dexterity, the need for detailed planning, the difficulty of creating an original product, and the lack of time are turned into a second model on their own as a theme. Suggestions regarding time management, comprehension of schedules and tasks, class size, and planning are presented to address the difficulties encountered in the studies. The current study provides insights into the effects of a layered curriculum on achievement and learning attitudes.


Layered curriculum, mixed-meta method, meta-analysis, meta-thematic analysis, achievement, attitudes.

How to Cite this Article?

Doğan, Y., Batdi,V., Cinkara, E., & So?anci, S. (2023). Effectiveness of Layered Curriculum: A Mixed-Meta Research Synthesis. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 18(3), 23-37. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.18.3.19322


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