Optimizing Power System Operations for Extreme Weather Events: A Review

A. Bindu*
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CSI Institute of Technology, Thovalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2022
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.16.2.19301


Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, heat waves, and winter storms, can have a significant impact on power systems, leading to power outages and disruptions in service. This review aims to optimize power system operations to enhance resilience and minimize the impact of extreme weather events. The review will include the development of advanced modelling and simulation tools to analyze the impact of extreme weather events on power systems. These tools will be used to evaluate the performance of different power system configurations and identify vulnerabilities. Additionally, the review will investigate the potential of distributed energy resources, such as micro-grids and energy storage systems, to enhance power system resilience. The effectiveness of different control and protection strategies will also be evaluated. The review will provide valuable insights for power system operators and regulators in the planning and operation of power systems to withstand extreme weather events. Ultimately, the review will contribute to the development of a more robust and resilient power system, ensuring reliable and safe power supply to customers.


Power System, Weather Events, Energy Resources, Simulation Tools, Energy Storage Systems.

How to Cite this Article?

Bindu, A. (2022). Optimizing Power System Operations for Extreme Weather Events: A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 16(2), 41-53. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.16.2.19301


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