Large quantity of waste plastic could be disposed in an environmental friendly manner. Currently, most researches are focused on determining a good way to eliminate waste by using it as alternative material in the applications of civil and industrial engineering. The waste plastic materials could be powdered and mixed with the concrete and used for fabrication of structural elements. Advanced composites such as fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) are promising and competitive materials that have great potential for use in high value added applications due to their superior characteristics in terms of high stiffness, low density and water absorption, high tensile strength, corrosion resistance and being used in a number of applications. The main aim of this study is to find out an environmental friendly way of disposing waste plastic by reusing principle and to study the behavior of plastic mixed concrete. In this study, the effective ways to reutilize the plastic waste particles as filler is analyzed. The strength characteristics of concrete containing recycled waste plastic material are determined.


Studies on Plastic Mixed Concrete with Conventional Concrete

S. Saravanan*, M.R. Akarsh**, S. Elavenil***
* Assistant Professor, Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai.
** PG student, SRM University, Chennai.
*** Professor, SRM University, Chennai.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


Large quantity of waste plastic could be disposed in an environmental friendly manner. Currently, most researches are focused on determining a good way to eliminate waste by using it as alternative material in the applications of civil and industrial engineering. The waste plastic materials could be powdered and mixed with the concrete and used for fabrication of structural elements. Advanced composites such as fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) are promising and competitive materials that have great potential for use in high value added applications due to their superior characteristics in terms of high stiffness, low density and water absorption, high tensile strength, corrosion resistance and being used in a number of applications. The main aim of this study is to find out an environmental friendly way of disposing waste plastic by reusing principle and to study the behavior of plastic mixed concrete. In this study, the effective ways to reutilize the plastic waste particles as filler is analyzed. The strength characteristics of concrete containing recycled waste plastic material are determined.


compressive strength; tensile strength; recycled waste plastic; two point testing; filler; environment friendly

How to Cite this Article?

Saravanan, S., Akarsh, M.R., and Elavenil, S. (2012). Studies on Plastic Mixed Concrete with Conventional Concrete. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 1(2), 11-17.


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