Career Guidance Application: A Digital Approach to Career Planning for Secondary Level Students

Dini Shiba S.*, Sharwin Xavier R.**, Sherin Sneha J.***, Shobana G.****
*-**** Department of Information Technology, Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2022


The growing number of educational options and job opportunities has made career planning increasingly complex and uncertain. To help students navigate these choices, this paper introduces Career Guidance Application (CGA), a tool designed to assist secondary level students (grades 9-12) in selecting their field of study based on their academic and professional interests. CGA provides access to information on subjects that lead to specific career paths, recommended higher education institutions, necessary entrance exams, available aptitude tests, and how to access them. Additionally, it offers a comprehensive career counseling process that includes social, financial, and personal considerations. The implementation of CGA is expected to reduce school and university dropout rates.


Career Guidance, Career Planning, Career Counselling, Educational Institutions, Job Opportunities.

How to Cite this Article?

Shiba, S. D., Xavier, R. S., Sneha, J. S., and Shobana, G. (2022). Career Guidance Application: A Digital Approach to Career Planning for Secondary Level Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 18(2), 29-36.


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