This paper presents an assessment of damages caused due to deterioration of concreteand corrosion of reinforcementon account of leakage, ageing and environmental factors throughnon destructive tests1.The pre and post evaluation of rehabilitation was carried out through load tests.In this study, a60year old rectangularReinforcedConcrete(RC) water tank builtover the terrace of the office buildingwas investigated2. It exhibited some cracks and spalling of concrete at certain locations. Two beams and one column were subjected to corrosion of reinforcement and deterioration of concrete. During its service life, the maintenance and repair work of the tank was carried out periodically. Damaged beams and column were repaired by providing new reinforcementwithcement grouting and polymer mortar. The deflections in the beam were measured at each stage of loading and unloading at regular intervals. These deflections were found within permissible limits and structural members were restored for their functional requirements3.