Conveyor Belt Regulator through Silo Operation

Abdullah Mohammed Salim Al-Hakmani*, Ch. Venkateswara Rao**, Sampath Kumar B.***, Mohammed Junaid Mouda****, Sayath Birose*****
*-***** University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman.
Periodicity:October - December'2022


Conveyor belts are used in industries such as electro-mechanical and mechanical assembly to transfer goods from one position to another or from one procedure to another. In coal mining industries, controlling the speed of a conveyor can be achieved by controlling the speed of its drive unit. The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC's) commonly used programming language has the trapezoidal chart language, Ladder Diagram (LD), the Smooth Functional Diagram (SFC), and the Function Block Language (FBD). The four-level leather belt conveyer control system belongs to the model of sequential control and therefore mainly uses the SFC to program. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is used to implement the control strategy. A PLC is a microprocessor-based control device with the original drive of complementing relay logic. The latest PLCs have progressed past just a robust stage into a new realm of high computational control and processor speediness. These, along with the PLC's extremely elastic arrangement, make it an ideal stage for uses far beyond its conventional ones. The main aim of this paper is to design a PLC conveyor belt control system for silo operation that has three various modes, namely continuous mode, manual mode, and fill by pass mode. The conveyor belt plays a very effective role as it reduces the time required to complete a large amount of work and increases productivity with high efficiency. It also saves money and costs, reduces the required manpower, is characterized by ease of maintenance and handling, and offers many other benefits.


Conveyor Belt, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), SILO Operation.

How to Cite this Article?

Al-Hakmani, A. M. S., Rao, Ch. V., Kumar, B. S., Mouda, M. J., and Birose, S. (2022). Conveyor Belt Regulator through Silo Operation. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 16(2), 1-11.


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