Correlation between Swayam Learning and its Achievement among Prospective Teachers - A Study in Kanniyakumari District

D. R. Robert Joan*, Y. Sheeja**
*-** Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2022


In the current scenario, Swayam learning is becoming a part of the curriculum of higher education. At this point, the prospective teachers are not staying away from the word "swayam." In the curriculum of the College of Education, there is a compulsory certificate course from Swayam Learning App. All the candidates who are getting a degree in education must complete any one of the online courses from Swayam. Therefore, the prospective teachers are very excited for the completion of the online Swayam course. After the results were revealed, certificates were given to the candidates who had completed the course. The ultimate aim of the investigator is to find the correlation between Swayam learning and its achievement among prospective teachers. For that, the investigators designed a tool called "Checklist for Swayam Learning" and administered it in the College of Education in Kanniyakumari District. The investigator used the survey method for the present investigation. The population of the present study was the Prospective Teachers who are studying in College of Education at Kanniyakumari District. In the present investigation, there is no significant difference between the residential locality and branch of the subjects, there is a significant difference between the results of the Swayam examination and finally, there is no significant difference between the father's and mother's occupations. The prospective teachers are requested to study the concepts clearly and watch the video classes frequently with concentration. The use of the online platform Swayam is not only for getting certificates but also to collect information about their learning.


Swayam, Achievement, Swayam App, Four Quadrants of Swayam, Certification by Swayam, Swayam Learning, Achievement in Swayam Course, Prospective Teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan, D. R. R. and Sheeja, Y. (2022). Correlation between Swayam Learning and its Achievement among Prospective Teachers - A Study in Kanniyakumari District. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 18(1), 33-40.


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