Conceptualizing alternative ways of curricular teaching through technology

Kumar Laxman*
University of Auckland, School of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Development, New Zealand.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


Traditional methods of teaching algebra encourage students to identify algebraic notations and perform procedural computations without comprehending the underlying relationships between the different modes of algebraic representations involving graph, expression and tables. Such approaches might enable students to ace in standardized Mathematics examinations but they do not acquire robust conceptual understandings of algebraic principles and concepts. This has resulted in growing calls for reforms in traditional ways of algebra instructions to re-conceptualise and invigorate the learning of algebra content in schools. In this paper, an instructional intervention that implemented a function-based generative activity design approach supported by the capabilities of next-generation classroom networks as an alternative to traditional algebra pedagogy is described. The findings of the study examine the pedagogical efficacy and impact of this intervention on students’ algebra learning performance.


Algebraic Notations, Algebraic Representations, Standardized Mathematics, Curricular Teaching.

How to Cite this Article?

Laxman ,K.(2012). Conceptualizing Alternative Ways Of Curricular Teaching Through Technology.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 8(1), 24-34.


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