Reinforcing In-Service Teachers Education via ICT

Gisli Thorsteinsson*
Associate Professor, Department of Design and Craft, School of Education, University of Iceland.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


Earlier educational models have not managed to take into account novel contextual and mobile methods of learning with the advances in technology-mediated learning.  The article firstly reports an educational approach, namely, future innovative in-service teacher education in Europe (ICE-ED). This project was supported by the European Union Comenius fund and coordinated by the University of Iceland. The ICE-ED project is focused on educational use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly with the improvement and dissemination of latest pedagogical strategies for open and distance learning through in-service teacher education (ICE-ED) in schools across Europe (The ICE-ED website 2012). The project employs the on-line managed learning environment platform BSCW as a Computer Supportive Communication Learning instrument to make possible the participants collaboration.  It is a nonstop meeting setting for them, a steady support to their work and at the same time an online library of the entire project educational material on which all the activities take place.


The ICE-ED project, Computer Supportive Cooperative Learning, pedagogy, In-service teacher training, e-learning, ICT, Manage Learning Environment, on-line community.

How to Cite this Article?

Thorsteinsson,G. (2012). Reinforcing In-Service Teachers Education Via ICT.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 8(1), 1-5.


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