An Approach To Enhance Level Of Security To The ATM Customers By Hiding Face Biometric Data Using Steganography

K. Lavanya*, C. Naga Raju**
* Assistant Professor in IT, L.B.R.College of Engineering, Mylavaram.
** Principal & Professor in CSE, PACE Institute of Technology & sciences, Ongole.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


Automated teller machine allows the banks customers to carry out banking transactions like, deposits, transfers, balance enquiries, and withdrawal. Criminal activities at ATM’s have become a nationwide issue. In order to certify safe and secure transactions banks has to meet certain standards. This paper focuses on preventing such activities and enhancing the level of security at ATMs. Biometric authentication technique is proven to address the problems of traditional methods which are presently used in ATMs. Face recognition has received substantial attention from researchers in biometrics. In this approach, a face recognition system for personal identification and verification can be done using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). To enhance the level of security user’s biometric data itself hidden with steganography measures. Spatial based LSB Steganography methods is used for hiding biometric data into another covered image and then receiver can detect the secret message.


Biometric, ATM, Steganography, Data Hiding, Face recognition, PCA

How to Cite this Article?

Lavanya. K., and Raju, N. C. (2012). An Approach To Enhance Level Of Security To The ATM Customers By Hiding Face Biometric Data Using Steganography. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 1(3), 25-30.


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