Survey on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

Roshni Tiwari M.*
Department of Vocational Education, Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


The survey focuses on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing cyber security, as well as the challenges that come with it. AI has become a crucial component in addressing the increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks and malware. Implementing intelligent cyber security measures, especially in support, situation awareness, and data management domains, is necessary for optimal effectiveness. Professional system technology is a promising technology in areas where neural networks may not be the most suitable technology. While the timeline for universal computing advances is unclear, it is important to note that attackers can potentially use such technology as soon as it becomes available. Therefore, advancements in machine learning, knowledge understanding, illustration, and handling can significantly enhance a system's capacity for cyber security. This article provides a comprehensive review of AI and computer applications in cyber security and offers recommendations for improving security system intelligence.


Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Network Security, Machine Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Tiwari, M. R. (2023). Survey on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Forensics & Cyber Security, 1(1), 39-46.


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