The Mediating Role of Unconditional Self-Acceptance in the Relationship between Perceived Parental Attitudes and Forgiveness among University Students

Ezgi Çağlar*, Sinem Evin Akbay**
* Ezgi Psychological Counseling Center, Hatay, Turkey.
** Mersin University, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2023


The aim of the current study is to analyze the mediating role of unconditional self-acceptance in the relationship between perceived parental attitudes and forgiveness levels among university students. 1179 (753 females, 426 males) university students studying at Mersin University constitute the sample group for the study. Data was collected using the Volunteer Participant Form, the Parental Attitude Scale, the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Scale, and the Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Pearson correlation, descriptive statistics, an ordinary least squares regression-based approach, and the Bootstrap method were used to analyze the data. The results of the study found that there is a partial mediating role for unconditional self-acceptance in the relationship between perceived parental attitudes (authoritative, protective, and authoritarian) and forgiveness among university students. The mediating models tested in the study were also found to be statistically significant (p<.001). It was found that there is a significant mediating role of unconditional selfacceptance in the relationship between perceived authoritative parental attitudes and forgiveness levels of university students (F(2-1176)= 164.45, p<.001). The total variance explained by authoritative parental attitude and unconditional self-acceptance in the study is 47%. Similarly, it was found that there is a statistically significant mediating role of unconditional self-acceptance in the relationship between perceived protective parental attitudes and forgiveness levels of university students (F(2-1176)=163.54, p<.001), explaining 47% of the total variance. Lastly, it was concluded that the authoritarian parental attitude model is significant (F(2-1176)=158.51, p<.001), and that the authoritarian parental attitude and unconditional self-acceptance variables together explain 46% of the total variance in the study. The results were discussed and evaluated within the context of the research, and suggestions were made for further research to examine relevant variables.


Perceived Parental Attitude, Unconditional Self-Acceptance, Forgiveness, Students.

How to Cite this Article?

Çağlar, E., and Akbay, S. E. (2023). The Mediating Role of Unconditional Self-Acceptance in the Relationship between Perceived Parental Attitudes and Forgiveness among University Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 16(3), 32-45.


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