An Exploratory Cybercrime Analysis and its Impact on India

Sanjay Jain*, Brajesh Kumar Shrivash**
* Department of Computer Science Engineering, ITM University Gwalior, India.
** iNurture Education Solutions Private Limited, Bengaluru, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2023


In the modern era, the rapid use of the internet has led to reports of cybercrimes. The number of cybercrimes is constantly increasing. The purpose of this paper is to identify the root causes of cybercrime and find insights that can be used by the administration to take fruitful decisions to overcome cybercrime offenses. It has collected data related to the registered cybercrime cases in various Indian states on different parameters for the years 2016 to 2019. The preprocessing was applied to individual datasets, and a common data set was prepared. Data analysis using Power BI (business intelligence) and Microsoft (MS) Excel tools was performed for the Indian states, and its impact was analyzed through year-wise analysis. The outcome of this paper can be utilized by the Indian administration, cyber experts, working professionals, and users to take care of the affecting factors and limit cybercrimes.


Cybercrime, Computer-Oriented Crime, Classification, Exploratory Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Jain, S., and Shrivash, B. K. (2023). An Exploratory Cybercrime Analysis and its Impact on India. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Forensics & Cyber Security, 1(1), 8-14.


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