The word brand equity is known to every marketer and they wish that they have positive brand equity for their brands. The question arises why customers will play extra amount for one particular product? There are many variables which create brand equity. These variables include Brand awareness, familiarity, brand image, association, loyalty, preferences and availability. But it is important to find that how each of these variables contribute towards brand equity for auto mobiles oil. To find out which of these variables contribute how much towards brand equity a sample of 100 auto mobile oil users has been contacted from Peshawar region. On the basis of their responses a regression and correlation analysis was conducted. Findings and results of the study shows that brand loyalty and brand familiarity has more influence on brand equity in case of automobile oil in Peshawar Pakistan.


Determinants Of Brand Equity And Its Causes & Consequences - A Study of Automobiles oil from Peshawar Region Pakistan

Shahzad Khan*
Lecturer, City University of Science & I-T, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


The word brand equity is known to every marketer and they wish that they have positive brand equity for their brands. The question arises why customers will play extra amount for one particular product? There are many variables which create brand equity. These variables include Brand awareness, familiarity, brand image, association, loyalty, preferences and availability. But it is important to find that how each of these variables contribute towards brand equity for auto mobiles oil. To find out which of these variables contribute how much towards brand equity a sample of 100 auto mobile oil users has been contacted from Peshawar region. On the basis of their responses a regression and correlation analysis was conducted. Findings and results of the study shows that brand loyalty and brand familiarity has more influence on brand equity in case of automobile oil in Peshawar Pakistan.


Brand Equity, Brand awareness, Brand Familiarity, Brand image, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Brand Preferences and Brand Availability.

How to Cite this Article?

Shahzad Khan (2012). Determinants Of Brand Equity And Its Causes & Consequences - A Study Of Automobiles Oil From Peshawar Region Pakistan. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(1), 33-37.


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