Development of Fuzzy Integrated Quality Function Deployment Software – A Conceptual Analysis

Ashish K. Sharma*, Ashish K. Sharma**, J.R. Sharma***
* Lecturer, Dept. of Information Technology, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gondia.
** Asst. Prof. and Head. Dept. of Computer and Information Technology, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gondia.
*** Associate Professor, Dept. of Management, Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Nagpur.
Periodicity:January - March'2009


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a methodology for building the "Voice of the Customer" into product and service design. In the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) process, decision-making is an essential and crucial task. QFD is an extensive process that contains loads of data and involves complex calculations making it more tedious for designers and engineers to deal manually with this data. Moreover, since the traditional QFD exercise employs linguistic expressions and crisp values, fuzzy concepts are to be employed for accurate results. Thus a need for efficient fuzzy integrated QFD software is highly recognized in the QFD software market. Softwares can be suitably designed to meet market requirements only when the associated data are meticulously examined and customer needs are better understood. To this end, the paper aims to analyze the QFD process from both viewpoints — Traditional as well as Software so as to mine valuable information which can be used for the development of QFD software. It then talks about the shortcomings in the available ones and the features required therein. It also discusses fuzzy concepts and its incorporation in the QFD software. The result of this work will assist the software developers in understanding the QFD process and choosing the appropriate tools, which in turn will lead to development of efficient QFD Software.


Software, QFD, Automation, Fuzzy, STFN, Data

How to Cite this Article?

Ashish K. Sharma, Mehta I.C and Jitendra Sharma (2009). Development of Fuzzy Integrated Quality Function Deployment Software – A Conceptual Analysis,i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 3(3),16-24.


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