Artificial Lift Methods in Petroleum Industry - A Review

Rishi Dewan*
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Bidholi, Dehradun, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2022


Artificial lift system adds energy to the fluid column in the wellbore to start and improve production from a hydrocarbon well. It is necessary when natural drives of the reservoir do not support satisfactory rates or make fluids to flow by any means at times. It is one of the main techniques to improve oil production from wells. These are intended to overcome bottom hole pressure to enable a well to deliver at the ideal rate. This includes either utilizing a pump or infusing gas to lessen its hydrostatic pressure to give extra lift pressure down hole. Different types of artificial lifts are used in the petroleum industry. Their use depends on their design, formation type and various reservoir conditions. This paper has a detailed description of various types of artificial lifts, their design and application. The advantages and disadvantages that are associated with each artificial lift system play a crucial role in the decision of selection of the most convenient system in a particular reservoir.


Artificial Lift, Hydrostatic Pressure, Oil and Gas, Production, Pump, Reservoir.

How to Cite this Article?

Dewan, R. (2022). Artificial Lift Methods in Petroleum Industry - A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering & Technology, 17(3), 34-45.


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