Inter-Vehicular Critical Message Assist Using An Integrated Embedded System Through Zigbee

J. Sidhu*, N. Shivaani Varsha**
* M.E. Student, Embedded System Technologies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
Periodicity:May - July'2012


The main objective of this project is to improve the Road Vehicle safety features and to improve the global efficiency of the transportation system by reducing travel time and congestion, using a well defined durable development policy. Effective use of this Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is not only to improve the vehicular safety but also to enhance the efficiency of current transport system and driving comfort. The key point of ITS is how Vehicles communicate with each other, which means we need a set of communication protocols to facilitate moving vehicles. The traditional system is very costly due to deployment and is characterized by a long reaction time for processing and information transfer. The Goal of ITS is to improve security, efficiency and enjoyment in road transport through the use of New Technologies for Information and Communication (NTIC) with minimum cost. This system consists of sensor devices which are fixed in the vehicle and a Motor driver. The sensor devices monitor the position of the vehicle and send the relevant information to the microcontroller and it is displayed. The motor driver determines the speed of the motor based on the requirement of zones using zigbee wireless technology. The system is designed around the microcontroller with zigbee wireless technology to communicate between V-V for a wider communication range. It has been developed as a system for the vehicle to communicate with the neighboring vehicle by broadcasting their safety-critical information and alert the neighboring vehicles from possible collisions. It provides good feature to our cars and roads with capabilities to make the road more secure and to make our time on the road more enjoyable.


Mobile Ad-Hoc networks, Mobile communication, Road safety, Vehicle to Vehicle communication, Vehicular mobility.

How to Cite this Article?

Sidhu.J., and Varsha,S.N., (2012). Inter-Vehicular Critical Message Assist Using An Integrated Embedded System Through Zigbee. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 1(2), 5-11.


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