The Effect of Teaching Based on Mathematical Modeling on Students' Academic Achievement in Mathematics and Science Education: A Meta-Analysis

Hatice Gözde Uysal*, Sedat Kanadli**
*-** Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Mersin, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2022


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of teaching based on mathematical modeling on the students' academic achievement in mathematics and science education through meta-analysis. In this study, experimental studies carried out in the national and international literature were included in the meta-analysis. As a result of the literature review, 23 studies were obtained. The effect sizes were combined according to the random-effects model. As a result of the metaanalysis, the common effect size for academic achievement was calculated as 0.976 with a 95% CI of [0.742, 1.205]. It has been determined that mathematical modeling applications have a "large" effect on the students' academic achievement. As a result of the moderator analysis, it was determined that the effect sizes differed significantly according to the education level and course type but did not show a significant difference according to the research method, research design, and statistical test type. In addition, it was determined that the size of the class and the duration of the experimental procedure were not significant predictors of the effect sizes. According to these results, it can be said that teaching based on mathematical modeling can be an effective method of improving the academic achievement of students in science and mathematics education.


Mathematical Modelling, Academic Achievement, Teaching, Meta-Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Uysal, H. G., and Kanadli, S., (2022). The Effect of Teaching Based on Mathematical Modeling on Students' Academic Achievement in Mathematics and Science Education: A Meta-Analysis. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 19(2), 7-20.


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