Remedial Instruction to Enhance Mathematical Ability of Dyscalculics

S. Praveen Kumar*, B. William Dharma Raja**
* Assistant Professor, Bethlahem College of Education, Karungal, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Assistant Professor (SS), Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2012


The ability to do arithmetic calculations is essential to school-based learning and skill development in an information rich society. Arithmetic is a basic academic skill that is needed for learning which includes the skills such as counting, calculating, reasoning etc. that are used for performing mathematical calculations. Unfortunately, many students in today’s schools do not perform well in mathematics. It is found that most of the children lack the ability to acquire arithmetic skills despite having average or even above average level of intelligence. Dyscalculia is the learning disorder in which pupils face severe difficulties in performing mathematical computations. It is essential for schoolchildren need to develop the mathematical abilities through the use of different learning strategies or techniques. The use of instructional media is an essential component of teaching-learning process which contributes to the efficiency as well as effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. Remedial instruction has a very important role to play as a differentiated instruction which employs different instructional techniques through the use of different instructional materials. The use of such techniques and materials in the classroom encourages active learning and meets the diverse needs of the learners. Certain research studies (Ota, 2008; Moomaw and Coup, 2008; Michaelson and Thomas, 2007; Lugo, 2005; Mohankumar & Rajaguru, 2001; Mishra, 1991; Nwaizu & Ifeanyi, 1991) reveal that the vast majority of problems experienced by mathematically disabled learners can be through appropriate, explicit and early instruction and intervention. The present investigation examined the effectiveness of remedial instruction in enhancing mathematical ability of dyscalculic children. The single group design was followed for conducting the study. The sample comprised of 46 dyscalculic students at the primary level. The tool used was a Mathematical Ability Test prepared by the investigators. ‘t’ test for dependent groups was employed for the analysis of data. The results of the study indicated that remedial instruction enhanced the mathematical ability of dyscalculic children.


Arithmetic, Dyscalculia, Remedial Instruction.

How to Cite this Article?

S. Praveen Kumar and B. William Dharma Raja (2012). Remedial Instruction to Enhance Mathematical Ability Of Dyscalculics. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 6(1), 21-28.


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