Stories of Deaf Students Acculturation Experiences on the College Campus: A Narrative Inquiry

Toby A. Welch*, Derrick M. Tennial**
* Pellissippi State Community College, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States.
** North Central University, San Diego, California, United States.
Periodicity:January - March'2023


The purpose of this qualitative narrative study was to explore how deaf college students tell stories reflecting on their acculturation experiences at a four-year university in California. The problem addressed by this study was the lack of knowledge about the acculturation experiences of deaf college students on campuses. The target population was deaf university students enrolled at a four-year university in California. A purposive sample of 11 deaf students participated in interviews to share acculturation experiences. Data were collected through narrative interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. Results were organised according to research questions, and the participants' experiences were retold through a composite narrative. Results revealed participants had common experiences of integration, rejection, assimilation, and marginalisation relative to interacting with hearing faculty and students on the collegiate campus. Recommendations are for policy and practise to include deaf and hearing students working together to increase knowledge of the deaf culture. The faculties are becoming more knowledgeable of school policy on how to provide accommodations and services for deaf students. Recommendations for future research include conducting additional research on hearing faculty members and students' acculturation experiences interacting with deaf individuals on college campuses and conducting research at colleges and universities without programs for the deaf to explore deaf students' acculturation experiences. Furthermore, recommendations for future research include exploration of deaf students' acculturation experiences in collegiate extracurricular activities and the acculturation experiences of other students with disabilities in a college environment.


Deaf, Deaf Students, Deaf Culture, Disabilities, American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Acculturation, Integration, Assimilation, Rejection, Marginalization, Discrimination, Oppression, Audism, Higher Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Welch, T. A., and Tennial, D. M. (2023). Stories of Deaf Students Acculturation Experiences on the College Campus: A Narrative Inquiry. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 16(3), 11-31.


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