Implementation of Law on Occupational Safety, Health, Welfare, Working Conditions Influence Robust Industrial Relations

Yerragola Prakash*, Bojja Charwak**, Padishala Vijaya Kumar***
*-*** School of Management Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2022


There is an obligation on the part of the employer to implement laws on occupational safety and working conditions that create a safe and healthy work environment at the workplace. A code of conduct between buyers and sellers has become mandated before purchasing the goods. In this regard, a multistage sampling method is adopted to study 3 textile units with a sample size of the workforce (n=1008). Exploratory and regression analysis are used to identify significant factors that contribute to robust industrial relations. Findings of this study indicate there is a significant influence of occupational safety category 1 and welfare factor that has a positive effect on the perception of the workforce on industrial relations. This study reveals that the employers, managers, and executives of the organization have to give high priority to the above factors to maintain harmonious industrial relations.


Occupational Safety, Health, Welfare, Working Conditions, Robust Industrial Relations, Labor Laws.

How to Cite this Article?

Prakash, Y., Charwak, B., and Kumar, P. V. (2022). Implementation of Law on Occupational Safety, Health, Welfare, Working Conditions Influence Robust Industrial Relations. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 16(4), 5-24.


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