Using Electronic-Collaborative Mentoring in Higher Education-Bettering ELT Student Teaching Practice Processes

Erdem Aksoy*
Department of English Language Teaching, TED University, Ankara, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2022


This study aims to improve English Language Teaching (ELT) student teachers' teaching practice process with comprehensive and diverse feedback from four different mentors (two national and two international) and to help them better prepare lesson plans and micro-teaching considering intercultural perspectives. Non-parametric tests were used to analyze quantitative data gathered from the scores of five lesson plans and micro-teachings. Qualitative data were obtained from the written feedback to lesson plans, oral feedback to micro teachings and interviews, and analyzed by content analysis. Results showed that mentees' lesson plan and micro teaching scores increased significantly over the semester and this was especially notable in mentees' first three lesson plans and micro teaching. All participants favoured the study activities and suggested that e-co mentoring should be implemented together with face-to-face mentoring in some periods.


Electronic-Collaborative Mentoring, Student Teaching Practice, English as a Foreign Language, Student Teacher Development.

How to Cite this Article?

Aksoy, E. (2022). Using Electronic-Collaborative Mentoring in Higher Education- Bettering ELT Student Teaching Practice Processes. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 12(3), 61-75.


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