Aerodynamics Analysis of RAF Family Aerofoil using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Sri Ram Deepak Akella*, ambreen**, Satish Charan Jalli***, B. S. V. Ramarao****
*-**** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2022


Aerofoil is a design that offers a gold standard ratio between the coefficient of drag to the coefficient of lift. Aerofoil are the standard cross-sectional structure of the plane wing. In this paper, a famous aerofoil family which is acknowledged to be the Royal Aircraft Factory (RAF) is regarded with all the accessible aerofoil models in that family. The pinnacle 5 aerofoils are considered and inspected for all drift editions over the viewed models with various flow transforming from 400, 420, 440, 460, 480 and 500 knots. The current research is to determine the high-quality aerofoil sketch over their family, for the quality aerofoil format by using plan amendment, and the float variation is carried out by varying the angle of assault with 5 stages interval from 0-25 ranges and the pressure, velocity, turbulence length, temperature, Mach number and the pressure performing in x & y-direction are recorded. All these parameters in consideration determined the most fulfilling model for the RAF family.


Royal Aircraft Factory, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Co-efficient of Drag vs. Co-efficient of Lift, Mach, Pressure, Velocity.

How to Cite this Article?

Akella, S. R. D., Pappula, S. S. B., Jalli, S. C., and Ramarao, B. S. V. (2022). Aerodynamics Analysis of RAF Family Aerofoil using Computational Fluid Dynamics. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 12(3), 47-55.


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