Theoretical Relationship between Modulus of Elasticity and Temperature for Engineering Materials

*, **
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University.
** Professor and Doctor of Technical Science with expertise in Material Science and Nondestructive Testing.
*** Chair and Professor, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Miami University.
Periodicity:May - July'2012


The modulus of elasticity is one of the most important mechanical properties of a material. It needs to be determined accurately in order to facilitate mechanical design, ensure reliability and promote compliance with legislative restrictions. The modulus-temperature relationship is traditionally determined experimentally, and the procedure is time consuming, expensive, and often impossible. The main goal of this work is to obtain a comprehensive analytical relationship between modulus of elasticity and temperature, based on the kinetic nature of the strength of solids and a nonlinear equation of state for materials. The analytical modulus-temperature relationship is compared with existing experimental data. Results demonstrate the potential of the nonlinear approach to predict the static and dynamic elastic modulus of different engineering materials (metals, plastics, and concrete) as a function of temperature.


Modulus of Elasticity, Temperature, Stress, Strain, Activation Energy.

How to Cite this Article?

Yaomin Dong, Iosif E. Shkolnik and Timothy M. Cameron (2012). Theoretical Relationship Between Modulus Of Elasticity And Temperature For Engineering Materials. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 2(3), 15-25.


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