The Role of Distance Education in Teachers' Work-Life Balance

Ayhan Kandemir*, Şenay Sezgin Nartgün**
* Ministry of National Education, Bolu, Turkey.
** Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Education, Bolu Abant izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
Periodicity:February - April'2022


This study aims to determine the role of distance education in teachers' work-life balance. The population of the study consisted of 65 teachers working in public schools in the center of Bolu, Turkey in the second semester of the academic year 2020–2021 in primary, secondary, and high schools. Data was collected using interview questions which were prepared by the researchers. The phenomenological method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study, and the data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis and content analysis. The study concluded that distance education, in general, hurts teachers' family relationships and leads to role conflict among teachers. In addition, distance education negatively affects teachers' school-family balance, interferes with their family duties and responsibilities, and negatively affects their social relationships and those of their families in general. Based on the findings, suggestions were made such as conducting in-service training seminars for teachers to ensure effective work-life balance and reducing teachers' responsibilities, especially in the area of stationery.


Work-Life Balance, Teachers, Distance Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Kandemir, A., and Nartgün, Ş. S. (2022). The Role of Distance Education in Teachers' Work-Life Balance. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 15(4), 1-21.


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